PORTLAND, Mich. (MIC) — Please keep in prayer the people of Portland, MI, who were hit by a tornado on June 22. Lansing District Superintendent, the Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai, reports that Portland United Methodist Church was heavily damaged. The roof of the sanctuary was taken off. There was significant water damage to the building as well damage to stained glass windows and other structures in the building.
The roof of the Portland United Methodist Church was destroyed by 100 mph winds on June 22. For other photos of storm damage, please click here. ~photo courtesy Facebook/Sue Halsey
Bruce Wheaton, Lansing District Emergency Coordinator, has worked with those in the area to assess need.
Today, June 24, volunteers moved the church’s daycare center furnishings into a temporary location. Thanks to their efforts, the daycare will reopen tomorrow to serve 50 children. Thirty-six hours after the storm struck, the church facility is reported to be in shape except for the roof damage and the rubble from the collapse of a masonry chimney.
There also was significant damage to two other historic Portland churches, the First Congregational Church and the First Baptist Church. Both churches may have to be rebuilt. In addition to the damage to these churches, there also was damage to the sports field at St. Patrick’s Catholic church and to homes and businesses.
Some minor injuries have been reported, but no fatalities.
Please also keep in prayer members of the Portland Ministerial Association who are planning a joint worship service, Sunday, June 28, and July 6 at 10 am at the Portland High School.
Portland UMC is in the midst of a pastoral transition following the retirement of the Rev. Keith Treman. The Rev. Letisha (Tish) Bowman begins her appointment in Portland on July 1.
Last Updated on October 27, 2023