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Celebrate Easter with Bishop Bard

Celebrate Easter with Bishop Bard

We cannot go to church on April 12 but that does not mean we can’t celebrate Easter. And inviting others is easier this year than ever before.

Where are the lilies? Where are the trumpets? Where are the radiant faces of my friends shouting, “Christ is risen!!”

In many ways, it hardly seems like Easter in this season of COVID-19. Isolation. Sickness. Fear. Death. These are the realities confronting Christians around the world this year.

Yet, this Sunday Christ WILL rise again. And Bishop David Bard and other worship leaders invite you to share with them in a triumphant celebration at 10 am on April 12.

A special “Watch Page” has been created on the Michigan Conference website.

Here’s what’s special about it …

First, there is a video of Bishop Bard leading worship. The service features beautiful music by Connie Gamage, Organist and Music Director at University UMC East Lansing. Michigan State University soloists, Nora Feldpausch and Matthew Greenberg raise their voices high. And there are prayers and liturgies by the Revs. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai and Paul Hahm. The Rev. Kathy Pittenger, Michigan Conference Children’s Ministry Coordinator, talks about Jesus during Children’s Time.

Second, the page includes a geographic listing of United Methodist churches in Michigan that are hosting online worship. There’s also a Find-a-Church link that provides additional information about those churches.

Why is this important? Conference leaders hope that you will take the opportunity to share the link to the Watch Page on your Facebook page or by email. Share that link with friends, family, and neighbors who you know need some spiritual uplift and comfort in these stressful days. Our hope is that your sharing the Watch Page with others will create connections with congregations that last beyond one Easter Sunday.

How do you partner in this effort? Here are some easy ways.

  • IMPORTANT: Bishop David requests that you do not share the Easter Service until Sunday, April 12th, 10 am EDT. We humbly make this request so that we might worship as one United Methodist family on Easter Sunday across the entire state of Michigan.
  • The easiest way to extend the invitation to others is to share the Watch Page link on your Facebook page, being sure to wait until April 12 at 10 am. Easier yet, share the Michigan Conference Facebook Page post of the video at that time.
  • Do you have a friend or family member who is not on the internet? The Watch Page includes an order of worship and a sermon transcript that you can print and mail to them. Find it here.

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Thank you for sharing the Good News of Easter with those who need to hear a word of hope, now more than ever before.

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The Michigan Conference