Category: World
Scanson crafts crosiers for bishops
Each newly elected bishop within the North Central Jurisdiction is gifted a homemade crosier, fashioned by a woodworker and retired elder, Rev. Art Scanson from the Dakotas Conference.
Friday NCJ Conference summary
Friday NCJ Conference highlights include a presentation on gun violence and a conversation on the impact of homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism on The United Methodist Church.
Be salt and light
Friday morning’s worship service of the 2022 North Central Jurisdictional Conference was punctuated by a powerful sermon by Bishop Julius C. Trimble of the Indiana Conference and a word and… Continue Reading Be salt and light
Press on, toward this odd space
Bishop David Alan Bard gave an inspirational Episcopal Address to the members of the North Central Jurisdictional Conference on Thursday, November 3.
Thursday NCJ Conference Summary
Thursday NCJ Conference highlights include the election of Rev. Dan Scherwin, the third and final bishop, and conversations on Christian nationalism, racism, and white supremacy.
Bishops Dyck, Haller, and Ough honored
Bishops Sally Dyck, Laurie Haller, and Bruce Ough were honored on Thursday, November 3, as retiring bishops within the North Central Jurisdiction.
Wednesday NCJ Conference summary
The North Central Jurisdictional Conference kicked off on Wednesday with the election of two bishops and updates on the work of the jurisdiction, including the Mission Council.
‘Can these dry bones live?’: Opening worship at NCJ 2022
The North Central Jurisdictional Conference began on Wednesday, November 2, with opening worship focused on the conference’s theme, “We Press On,” and a sermon from Bishop Bruce R. Ough.
Bishop Mande Muyombo to chair Connectional Table
Bishop Mande Muyombo, resident bishop of the North Katanga Episcopal Area, has been chosen to succeed Bishop Christian Alsted as chair of the Connectional Table, effective December 1, 2022.
Peace with Justice Offering
This Peace with Justice toolkit helps you support ministries of reconciliation.