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Chairperson - Barry Petrucci
Chair, Conference Relations - Deb Johnson
Registrar for Full Members - Kathy Brown
Registrar for Associate Members - Sue Platt
Registrar for Provisional Members - Sarah Alexander
Registrar for Local Pastors - Melody Olin
Registrar for Specialized Ministry Certification - Edie Wiarda
Chair, Order of Elders - Cathi Huvaere
Chair, Order of Deacons - Sue Pethoud
Chair, Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members - Jeremy Wicks

The world is full of beauty, but also brokenness. There is no shortage of need for the hope that Jesus Christ offers and asks us to share. As our denomination continues to sort out how it will structure itself in the future, we continue to seek excellent candidates who have the courage to answer God’s call at such a time as this. Our non-discrimination policy, approved in March 2019, is as follows:
The Michigan Conference Board of Ordained Ministry evaluates all candidates for fitness, readiness, and effectiveness for ministry. The Holy Spirit moves in the lives of all people, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, whether single or in a committed relationship. The Michigan Conference Board of Ordained Ministry will consider all persons who come before the Board of Ordained Ministry without regard to age, race, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or practice, gender identity, economic circumstance, disability, or marital status, who demonstrate gifts and graces for vital ministry and may recommend those individuals for candidacy, licensing, commissioning and ordination.
Upcoming Events
- Michigan Conference Candidacy Summit - January 24 & 25, 2025; online using Zoom meetings.
- In-person Residency Training -
Tuesday & Wednesday, February 4-5, 2025 at St. Francis Retreat Center; for Provisional Members.
Contact Bri Desotell with questions. - Michigan Conference Candidacy Summit - July 18 & 19, 2025; online using Zoom meetings.
Michigan School for License as a Local Pastor -
Registration is closed for the current MSLLP.
The purpose of the School for License as a Local Pastor is to foster the spiritual growth and skill development of persons called into ministry. Students share in collegial fellowship, worship, study and practical experience, which enable them to qualify for a License as a Local Pastor and service in a congregation. The school emphasizes practical preparation for ministry, and the development of attitudes that will lead to future growth by each participant. The focus will be on understanding the local congregation and leading the congregation – worship and preaching, sacraments, weddings, funerals, pastoral leadership, Christian education and formation, and pastoral care.
Last Updated on November 26, 2024