Michigan United Methodists put their hands to work for neighbors. Here’s news about important VIM and ERT training ahead.
The Michigan Conference has a new Volunteer in Mission (VIM) Coordinator, Jody Pratt, and she has news to share at the beginning of this new year.
Jody invites individuals and churches to assist her in creating a state-wide information base of VIM teams traveling under the umbrella of the North Central Jurisdiction UMVIM, led by UMVIM-NCJ Coordinator, Tammy Kuntz.
Jody has a list of NCJ registered teams from 2018 and plans to highlight their work in MIconnect and on the Michigan VIM web page that will be introduced later this spring. For those planning VIM experiences in 2019:
- Send team requests, trip news, photos, future trip possibilities, and questions to Jody Pratt, prattgji09@gmail.com
- To officially register a trip, sign up for insurance, or file a final report, contact Tammy Kuntz, umvimncj.coor@gmail.com or 614-325-8741
Training opportunities are ahead for those thinking about organizing or joining a mission trip with the United Methodist Church. Clarkston UMC — 6600 Waldron Road, Clarkston MI 48346 — is hosting two concurrent trainings on Saturday, March 30, 2019, for VIM and ERT (Early Response Teams).
8:30 – Registration and coffee
9:00 – Opening and brief Security/Safety Presentation for all participants
9am -4:00pm Volunteer in Mission Training led by Tammy Kuntz, NCJ UMVIM Coordinator
No participation limit; lunch included; $20 for materials and meals. Please bring your laptop if possible.
9am- 5:00pm ERT Training led by Bob Freysinger
Limit of 14 participants; $35 cost for materials and meal. Bring your tablet or laptop.
Pre-registration is necessary for the Clarkston training. To register for VIM training contact Jody Pratt, prattgji09@gmail.com. For ERT training contact Dan O’Malley, Michigan Disaster Response Coordinator, dano.omalley@gmail.com or 616.915.6301. Registration deadline is March 15, 2019. Make checks payable to The Michigan Conference; may be paid at the door.
Jody is also announcing the 2019 Discovery Mission, July 28-August 3, 2019. For ages 18-35 years, this experience at Cass Community Social Services and downtown Detroit will be led by Jody Pratt and Tammy Kuntz. Service projects and leadership training are part of Discovery Mission. Cost of $500 covers food/lodging /transportation. Deadline for application is May 1, 2019. Send questions and application to Jody Pratt, prattgji09@gmail.com or 616.292.4908.
Last Updated on January 31, 2024