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New series explores how UMs value life

United Methodist Communications has created a new series of stories that weaves together a comprehensive look at United Methodists’ official life-centered ethic with real-life examples of how the church embodies its theological stance.

Jesus said, “I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest” (John 10:10, CEB). United Methodists value human life, from pregnancy and maternal care before we are born to our closing breaths.

United Methodists worldwide seek to bring abundant life to people at every stage through the hands-on ministries we support and the advocacy we do.

This seven-part series explores the ways United Methodists value life and help others experience the abundance of life Jesus promises. It contains real-life examples of how the church embodies its theological stance. The first six parts have been released and the seventh is forthcoming.

Michigan United Methodists are invited to use this material in conjunction with the resource toolboxes found on our website. Search for keywords to find topics of interest. This series is a good resource for local church education and adult faith formation.

Rev. Alice Townley, Mission and Justice Coordinator for the Michigan Conference, encourages individuals to consider this series when addressing life-centered topics in their congregations: “This resource will be helpful for those seeking to expand conversations about what it means to support abundant life through access to healthcare, especially in underserved areas and with vulnerable populations. Such support includes access to legal and medically supervised abortion services in situations of ‘tragic conflicts of life verses life.’ Each section gives links to United Methodist-related projects and advocacy that works towards the well-being of people throughout their lives.”

Valuing Life, Part 1: Before we are born—Maternal and neonatal health

United Methodists and our predecessor denominations have a long history of providing care and advocacy for pregnant women and their newborn children.

Read the story here.

Valuing Life, Part 2: When care cannot be sustained—Abortion and adoption

United Methodism’s life-centered ethics call us to limit our approval of abortion to tragic conflicts of life with life, to do all we can to prevent unplanned pregnancy, to care for all pregnant women, and to support adoption.

Read the story here.

Valuing Life, Part 3: Growing up—Child welfare

United Methodists and our predecessor denominations, back to John Wesley himself, have a long history of hands-on support and advocacy for the welfare of children.

Read the story here.

Valuing Life, Part 4: Staying alive—Healthcare for all

United Methodists and our predecessors have consistently provided and advocated for healthcare, especially for those who could not easily receive it.

Read the story here.

Valuing Life, Part 5: Feeling alive—Mental health

Our call to value life moves United Methodists toward each other in local congregations in each other’s sustaining mental health and sends us into the world in ministries of compassion and justice to work to improve the conditions of all who suffer with mental illness.

Read the story here.

Valuing Life, Part 6: Threats to life—Suicide, euthanasia, and capital punishment

Because United Methodists value life, we reject suicide, medically assisted dying (euthanasia), and capital punishment. United Methodists seek, advocate for, and offer life-giving ways in response to and instead of these threats to life.

Read the story here.

Valuing Life, Part 7: Dying well: Caring for the dying and grieving

United Methodists receive and share Jesus’ promise of abundant life even and especially in the face and aftermath of death.

Read the story here.

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference