Naomi García outlines the coaching and conflict resolution resources available to those in ministry transition in the Michigan Conference.
Associate Director for Congregational Vibrancy, Michigan Conference
Deep listening, focused questioning, creating new awareness, challenging assumptions, and moving toward action steps are fundamental tools of a coach. Learning the skills to coach others can also help you grow in your own life, relationships, leadership abilities, and ministry.
The Michigan Conference (MiConference) has been creating a coaching culture here in our conference for several years, primarily to help those in ministry transition of any kind. Recipients of MiConference coaching describe the experience in these ways:
- “Imagine a sounding board that recognizes where you need to go before you do and then helps you realize that path for your ministry. This is what coaching has done for me.”
- Coaching is “a lot like being mentored by somebody who really cares.”
- “Nurturing the soul of a leader.”
- “Unlocking the answers within you.”
- “A gift given to me and my ministry. Being prepared is not only respectful but thankful.”
- ‘It’s just got me thinking in new ways.”
Coaching may be timely for you. Request a coach from the Michigan Conference to support you for a less-rough ministry transition. It matters not whether your ministry is official or on the fly. The gift of MiConference coaching is all about transitions.
To learn more and to inquire further, complete this confidential request form.
You may know a bit about coaching and want to explore how to become one. There are options. The Michigan Conference partners with Coaching4Clergy, an accredited program. Courses are delivered in a combination of live, online classes (Zoom) and on-demand (asynchronous) courses.
Getting started on developing a coach-approach to just about everything is moments away. Details on the options below are found on the Michigan Conference’s coaching web page.
The Basic Coach Training’s 12 hours of live, online teaching equips learners to begin coaching as soon as possible. No previous coaching experience is required.
There are also 24 hours of Coaching Foundations courses that are totally on demand for you to access at your own pace.
Professional Coach Training meets the requirements for MiConference coaches and credentialing with the International Coaching Federation. Professional Coach Training instruction is delivered live and online, plus an asynchronous course or two.
Coaching Foundations and Professional Coach Training together count toward becoming a MiConference coach. And meeting these instruction requirements is free of obligation to continue.
Don’t let money keep you from pursuing an interest in coaching.
I am grateful for the Multiethnic Ministry (MeM) Leaders grant of the General Board of Global Ministries for awarding MiConference coaching with $10,000 for training a wide variety of multiethnic learner coaches. The only requirement of MeM learner coaches is a financial contribution in an amount you choose.
I’d be remiss not to mention conflict, whether interpersonal or group unrest. The best time to request assistance in addressing conflict is the moment you first wonder what just happened. No need to isolate yourself. A short conversation often identifies what to avoid and sets in motion various next steps. Complete this secure, confidential form to contact our trained staff.
Avoid being a lone ranger. Tap into our Michigan Conference and United Methodist communities of support. Our Gospel-sharing future depends on us.
Last Updated on October 31, 2023