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Promoting UMC Giving Tuesday

“Selfless Selfies” are just one way to promote The Advance for UMC #GivingTuesday, November 29, 2016.


UMC #GivingTuesday is November 29th. The Board of Global Ministries encourages congregations to act on this opportunity to share a year-end gift to missionaries or projects through The Advance.

As always, 100 percent of all gifts to The Advance goes directly to the missionary or project selected. Last year, nearly 6,000 donors from 27 countries donated $2.8 million through The Advance to support mission and ministries around the world.

Pastors and mission leaders may download UMC #GivingTuesday resources to help congregations get involved and spread the message of generosity. The kit includes answers to frequently asked questions, social media images and tips, and creative ways to extend the giving spirit.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Ask church members to take a “selfless selfie” holding a sign with UMC #GivingTuesday and a note about the project or mission they are supporting. Encourage them to post their selfless selfies on social media.
  • Encourage members to donate time, whisper a prayer or create other non-financial ways to support missionaries or projects to supplement monetary gifts.
  • Suggest that members ask friends and family to make an early Christmas gift in their honor to their favorite Advance project or missionary on Nov. 29, or encourage them to make a gift in honor of those on their list. For those who still want to give wrapped gifts, suggest accompanying the notification with a token representing the designated ministry (a framed map of the region, a water bottle for a water project, a hammer for a construction project, etc.). They can even design or purchase cards that reflect the theme of the ministry.

This Advent “Give Light, Give Love and Give Life” through The Advance at www.umcmission.org/give.


Last Updated on November 2, 2023

The Michigan Conference