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Follow your compass to mission u

Man with compass in hand pointing to Mission u

Gaylord, Southfield, Albion, and Burtchville are the four points of the 2019 Mission u compass. An excellent group of study leaders welcomes participants in all venues.

Michigan Conference United Methodist Women is hosting Mission u in 4 locations around the state. Each event offers the same courses. Participants have choices regarding the number of days and the location that is best for them.

Here are the venues:

Mission u West ~ Albion College, July 10-13 (Wednesday-Saturday)
6:30 pm registration on Wednesday (No dinner provided)
Registrar: Beth Mitchell [email protected] 3813 Rockwood Drive, Kalamazoo 49004
Register by June 26

Mission u South ~ Southfield Hope UMC July 20 (Saturday)
8 am registration; Registrar: Mary McCully [email protected] 7664 N Canton Center Road, Canton 48187
Register by July 1

Mission u East ~ Lake Huron Retreat Center August 15 (Thursday)
One day event OR Hands-on Mission Experience. 8 am registration
August 16-17 (Friday-Saturday) 7:30 am registration
Registrar: Mary McCully [email protected] 7664 N Canton Center Road, Canton 48187 Register by August 1

Mission u North ~ First UMC, Gaylord October 21-22 (Monday-Tuesday)
9 am Registration; Registrar: Tiffany Crawford [email protected] 1490 Crest RD, Gladwin, 48624
Register by October 5

Everyone attends the Spiritual Growth Study, “Practicing Resurrection: The Gospel of Mark and Radical Discipleship” by Janet Wolf. This study incorporates the stories of those on the margins to uncover how the gospel is alive and well today — how God is, and always has been, calling us to live out the Word in a radical way. Bishop David Bard is the study leader West, South, East. The Rev. Neil Davis teaches at Mission u North.

Everyone chooses one of these two studies:

  • Social Action Study, “What About Our Money? A Faith Response” by Susan K. Taylor. Readers will explore their own relationship with money, the money choices available to us, and how we individually and collectively respond in light of our faith. Rev. Faith Fowler will teach at Mission u West; Nichea Ver Veer Guy in North, South, East.
  • UMW History, “Women United For Change: 150 Years in Mission” by Ellen Blue. This study is the first in a two-year study providing a historical survey of United Methodist Women and its predecessor organizations that changed the face of mission. West and East leader is Genie Bank; Diana Miller, South and North.

Youth Study, “Who Do You Say That I Am? Meeting Jesus through the Eyes of Mark” by Carolyn Poling will be led by Asti White and TaNia Moore, Mission u West only.

Children’s Study, “MARKED: A Mission Journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark” by Rita Hays, invites children to practice discipleship by sharing. Ronda Libbett, Mission u West only.

Click here for a pdf of the flyer that includes registration form. The flyer also includes greater detail on the studies, costs, and lodging options.

Last Updated on January 10, 2023

The Michigan Conference