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Preaching/Speaking for Justice – Dec. 2, 2017

The Social Justice Network, a committee of the Michigan Area’s Keep Making Peace, is hosting a Preaching and Speaking for Justice workshop. The event will take place on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at Grace United Methodist Church, 1900 Boston Blvd, Lansing 48910, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Teaching leaders of the event are Bishop David Bard, Michigan Area, and the Rev. Jeff Nelson, Pastor, Royal Oak United Methodist Church. Bishop Bard will share as one who inspires and encourages prophetic preaching. Rev. Nelson  will help participants with developing messages and sermons reflecting God’s desire that we speak the gospel to the church and world.

Organizers say, “This is a day for both clergy and laity, because faithful lay persons and clergy are mutually called to witness to issues of justice. There has never been a time when the prophetic word was more needed to be spoken. Ours is the message of justice for all God’s people and for the creation. Yet, in this dangerously polarized time, we may hesitate to speak clearly of God’s design for living in peace, welcoming immigrants into our midst, and being the church that seeks justice for so many who suffer violence, poverty, and oppression.
There will be coffee and snacks at arrival. Members of Grace United Methodist Church will facilitate sandwich orders at lunch time.

Ellen Brubaker and Paul Perez are facilitating the workshop. Register with either one at [email protected] or [email protected]. Please provide your name, address, phone, church, and email when you contact registrars. A fee of $10 is requested to cover the cost of refreshments and lunch.

Please plan to set aside time to join in fellowship with others as we seek to hear God calling us to preach the word of God’s love and desire for justice in the church and in the world today.

Last Updated on November 2, 2023

The Michigan Conference