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Houses of worship offer shelter

United Methodist congregations in Michigan join a growing sanctuary network.

On February 6th, 2017 Bishop David Bard shared a statement–“The World is our Parish”–regarding the welcoming of refugees.

The statement may be read in full here. It concludes:

“To be sure, security matters.  “All nations have the right to secure their borders” (The Book of Resolutions, “Welcoming the Migrant to the US”).  At the same time, “the primary concern for Christians should be the welfare of immigrants” (“Welcoming the Migrant to the US”).  In securing our borders, we need to make sure that we keep intact the heart and soul of the country we are wanting to protect.  These recent actions threaten our heart, our soul, our character.

“I invite you to continue to think with me about how our nation’s policies might more adequately reflect the heart of our faith.  I invite you to pray and work for a world that more adequately embodies justice, kindness, compassion, hospitality and love.”

A number of congregations around the State of Michigan have prayed and are working as reported in this week’s news.

Click here for the Detroit Free Press report, “Metro Detroit churches, synagogues become sanctuaries for immigrants.”

Click here for a WOOD TV story on –“Sanctuary churches pledge to help scared immigrants”–that includes a video statement by a UM minister in Kalamazoo.

Last Updated on January 10, 2023

The Michigan Conference