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Journey deeper for Lent

So you gave up chocolate for Lent? How about going a step further?

The Rev. Magrey R. deVega is the Senior Pastor of Hyde Park United Methodist Church in Tampa, Florida.  He lives in Tampa with his two teenage daughters and their beloved dog, Micah.

He reports giving up the use of electronic devices at the dinner table for Lent. Daughters Madelyn and Grace are giving up playing games on the smartphone and afternoon snacks.

Rev. deVega goes on: “As I’ve thought about it, there are some deeper parts of your life that you might consider giving up for Lent, for the sake of your own spiritual maturity and personal development.”  He then lists these ten possibilities:

  1. Give up the need to be right all the time.
  2. Give up your reluctance to ask for help.
  3. Give up your fear of failure.
  4. Give up comparing yourself to others.
  5. Give up the need to have things all figured out.
  6. Give up your fears of the future.
  7. Give up anesthetizing yourself to pain and suffering.
  8. Give up the need to be in control.
  9. Give up the need to make everyone happy.
  10. Give up all the non-essential noise in your life.

Read more detail regarding his top ten Lenten disciplines.

Last Updated on March 13, 2017

The Michigan Conference