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Keeping faith with cancer

In the midst of a health crisis, United Methodist pastor Jason Micheli shares about himself and his faith.

United Methodist Communications

United Methodist pastor Jason Micheli went to the doctor for the serious stomach pains he was experiencing. Later that evening, after some tests the doctor had ordered, he got a call from his physician who asked if Micheli was sitting down.

Thus began this young father’s journey with cancer, which he chronicles in his new book Cancer is Funny: Keeping Faith in Stage-Serious Chemo. “All of a sudden, the landscape of my life was completely different,” Micheli says. “And so I think familiar beliefs and familiar Scripture passages all looked different to me.”

In our conversation, we talk about what this personal crisis taught him about himself, God, the church, and more. Listen to the podcast below.

More from Jason Micheli:

Last Updated on December 28, 2022

The Michigan Conference