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God’s Word for China

The Amity Printing Press is a Six Lanes Project in the West Michigan Conference (Lane 2).

Board of Global Ministries, West Michigan

For years congregations throughout The United Methodist connection have supported the Amity Printing Press in their effort to distribute Christian literature in China. This Advance Special Project (#11422A) is located in Nanjing.

The company was established in 1988 with an ongoing priority to serve the Christian Church in China. In the 28 years that have followed, Amity has also exported Bibles to over 70 countries. By the end of April 2016, more than 147 million Bibles have come off their production lines in over 90 languages.

In 2012 the Amity Printing Press began a focus on providing free Bibles and hymnals to Christians in Southwest ChinaThe United Methodist Church, in cooperation with the United Bible Societies (which donates Bible paper), and other organizations, provided funding for the printing and distribution of 10,000 ethnic language Bibles free of charge. The project has been completed as these Bibles went to Christian Lisu and Dai villagers located in Yunnan Province. 

Last year the work of providing free ethnic language hymnals and Bibles continued with the distribution 3,000 ethnic language hymnals and 1,000 Bibles to over 3,000 Miao believers across four different counties in Guizhou Province.           .

Congregations, youth fellowships, Bible study classes, and small groups in West Michigan are encouraged to consider this opportunity to spread God’s word. More information is available from Rev. Bob Mayo at [email protected]

Last Updated on May 25, 2016

The Michigan Conference