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2022 Wolverine/Spartan Sharedown

The Wolverine / Spartan Sharedown is a friendly fundraising competition between Wesley Foundations at Michigan State and the University of Michigan, with the goal to raise $10,000 to create significant investment in the lives of young adults.

Director of Development, Wesley Foundation at the University of Michigan

The Wesley Foundations at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University are pleased to announce the 2022 Wolverine/Spartan Sharedown! This month-long event invites supporters of our United Methodist campus ministries in Ann Arbor and East Lansing to compete in contributing the most donations before the final whistle of the University of Michigan/Michigan State University football game on October 29.

While the challenge is friendly, the Wesley Foundation that raises the most donations between October 1 and the end of the big game will receive the coveted Sharedown Trophy plus bragging rights for a year.

Even though this is a competition, the Sharedown is a collaborative endeavor. “Our universities have been long-time football rivals, but our Wesley Foundations have been long-time ministry partners,” says Rev. Tim Kobler, Director of the Wesley Foundation at the University of Michigan. “The support of our alumni and friends helps us provide communities that uplift young people and provide a space for them to deepen their faith.”

That sentiment is shared by Rev. Jim Magee, Director of the Wesley Foundation at Michigan State University. He says, “With all the difficulties facing campus ministry in recent years, the fun rivalry of the Sharedown is ultimately a way for us to demonstrate our unity, compassion, and hope for our future. We love our campuses, our students, and our supporters for their continued generosity and faithfulness over the years. Thank you for standing with us as we continue to engage students and share with them the same love and grace you have shown us.”

Together the Wesleys are challenging supporters to help them raise a total of $10,000. This will enable the creation of spaces for radical hospitality, practices of faith exploration, discernment of call, opportunities to serve neighbors, and times of worship, retreat, fellowship, meals, learning, and more! Each donation will go directly to the Wesley of the donor’s choice. Then the total of all donations will be celebrated after the challenge.

To participate in the Sharedown, go to wolverinespartansharedown.org by October 29. There you can make your gift, watch Jim and Tim tell more about the challenge, and see additional giving incentives occurring throughout the month. Plus, download images to help you engage your social networks in the Sharedown.

So, whether you say, “Go Blue!” or “Go Green!” show your support for faith-filled United Methodist outreach to these campuses through this exciting giving challenge!

Last Updated on October 12, 2022

The Michigan Conference