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Peace with Justice Offering

This Peace with Justice toolkit helps you support ministries of reconciliation. REV. ELLEN BRUBAKER WMC Board of Church and Society

The United Methodist Church from the beginning supported ministries of justice for the poor and disfranchised of our world.  We have also sought to bring peace among nations and communities around the world.

This year June 11 is designated for receiving in every church an offering for Peace with Justice.  If June 11 does not work in your church, it can be received at any time. One half of this offering supports projects around the world that seek to bring justice and peace to God’s people in many places.  One such project in 2016 was the Crime Victims Advocacy Council of North Georgia.  A local church applied for this grant following the tragic shootings in Charleston, South Carolina.

The second half of the offering stays in the local conference to support projects close to home. It gives the Board of Church and Society of the West Michigan Conference the opportunity to offer grants to ministries here at home.

This spring the Board has made $50,000 of allocations from Peace with Justice funds, including support for two Michigan projects.

The Wesley Foundation of Kalamazoo was granted $2,500 for the Sankofa Initative. This project supports a year-long effort to become an anti-racist, fully inclusive organization through educational events, collaboration, trips, and workshops.  Weekly Muffins for Advocacy and monthly caucus events are part of the plan.

A $4,200 grant was made to Justice for our Neighbors in Southeastern Michigan (JFON-SEMI) to continue their work with immigration services, education and advocacy.

In the past the Peace with Justice Offerings has also funded projects like Keep Making Peace and Camp Beloved. We encourage every church in Michigan to receive the Peace with Justice offering in 2017.  With your help, we can make a difference for God’s people who cry out for justice and for peace in our conflicted world.  Please receive the 2017 Peace with Justice offering.

Click here for a Resource Tool Kit that will add in the promotion of the Peace with Justice Offering.

Last Updated on October 17, 2022

The Michigan Conference