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It worked then…not now

“Times change,” says Carey Nieuwhof. What worked 10 years ago may not work today.

Carey Nieuwhof is the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto, Canada. He writes books and blogs with the aim of  “helping leaders lead like never before.”

Due to the rapid changes in culture, Nieuwhof asserts, “What used to work, doesn’t. Not anymore.” He also acknowledges that the challenge to church leaders is “to know what’s stopped working and what hasn’t.” He goes on to share nine things he observes are beyond their shelf life.

Here’s the short list. For full detail, click here.

  1. Relying on an automatic return to church.
  2. Appealing to people out of guilt or obligation.
  3. Simply being better than other churches.
  4. Gimmicks.
  5. Inauthentic leadership.
  6. A self-centered mission.
  7. Random programming.
  8. Assuming people know what their next step is.
  9. Relying on what you’ve learned in the past.


What used to work, doesn’t. Not anymore.

The challenge is to know what’s stopped working and what hasn’t.

Last Updated on February 8, 2017

The Michigan Conference