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A very Wesley New Year

A stained glass window of John Wesley. Photo by Ronny Perry, UMNS

From Three Simple Rules to cups of coffee, here are ways to make 2018 a United Methodist Year.

Joe Iovino, United Methodist Communications, invites all to participate in several of these very United Methodist activities in the months ahead when making New Year’s resolutions for 2018.

  1. Visit historic sites.
  2. Read.
  3. Ride a horse.
  4. Serve somebody.
  5. Join a small group.
  6. Enjoy a shared meal.
  7. Stick to a budget.
  8. Stand up for another.
  9. Hold family devotions.
  10. Join a committee.
  11. Give to UMCOR.
  12. Deepen your devotional life.
  13. Eat spicy food.
  14. Tell your mom you love her,
  15. Write a hymn.
  16. Follow the rules
  17. Attend worship every Sunday.
  18. Enjoy some coffee.

READ DETAILS about each of these 18 suggestions.


Last Updated on December 29, 2022

The Michigan Conference