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List of cancellations

Meetings canceled and postponed

The following events and ministries sponsored by Michigan Conference organizations have been postponed or canceled.

April 4Keep Making Peace — sponsored by the Michigan United Methodist Conference Board of Justice, the United Methodist Women of the Michigan Conference, the Shalom Center for Justice and Peace, and the Michigan State University Wesley Foundation —  is postponed until a later date. 

April 17-18Pipes & Bells — spring workshop of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts — has been canceled.  We hope to reschedule for the fall.  

April 18 — The Roots and Branches History Convocation has been canceled. The Historical Society will still accept applications for your church’s Longevity Certificate for anniversaries in 2020. Click here to access certificates; send it to Diana Miller by April 9.  The certificates will be sent to the churches and the recognitions will be listed on the Historical Society website.    

Michigan Area UM Camping announced the following on March 17: Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) guidance for large events and gatherings and the State of Michigan’s temporary shut-down of dine-in service at food and beverage establishments, Michigan Area United Methodist Camping is suspending operations at our retreat and camp facilities at least until April 30. We will continue to take reservations for your events and summer camp while keeping everyone’s health and safety as our top concern.



Last Updated on March 17, 2020

The Michigan Conference