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The wheels on the bus go round to Orlando, FL


How many busses does it take to get all of these young people from Michigan to Florida? The answer is three and they are now on the road!

Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey was on hand  in Redford  on June 23 to bless the group before they headed to Orlando for the national gathering called Youth 2015. Kids from 16 Michigan UM churches will join thousands of youth from hundreds of congregations around the world  to experience the theme, “What does it mean to ‘Go On’?” 

The event, held every four years, is sponsored by the Young People’s Ministries unit of the United Methodist Discipleship Ministries (formerly General Board of Discipleship). The schedule is filled with large-scale worship, training and workshops for youth and adult leaders, mission projects, prayer opportunities, small group times (both with home churches and mixed groups) late night options, and more. The event begins today, June 24,, and ends June 28. The busses return to Michigan late on June 29.

Michigan’s “travel agent” for this spiritual journey is the Rev. Bridget Nelson, Detroit Conference Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

Read more about their faith adventure next week. In the meantime, please pray for their safe travels and awesome fellowship.

Last Updated on June 24, 2015

The Michigan Conference