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Stange hired as new campus minister

Andrew Stange with dog

The Wesley Foundation of Kalamazoo has hired Andrew Stange as the new director and campus minister.

Something caught alight inside

Paul Reissmann at ordination service

Continuing our series of articles on our newest ordinands, Rev. Paul Reissmann traces his path to ministry as an unfolding of revelations and a kindling of passion for service in… Continue Reading Something caught alight inside

There’s campus ministry in her DNA

A love of campus ministry involves mission work

Deb Johnson was active at Wesley at CMU in Mt. Pleasant as a young adult. Today, a retired pastor, she serves as chair of the FSU Wesley Board in Big… Continue Reading There’s campus ministry in her DNA

Students explore peace with justice

Peace with Justice Offering funds an anti-racism initiative of the Wesley Foundation of Kalamazoo.

The Michigan Conference