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African bishops condemn advocacy groups

African bishops meet during a retreat.

In a statement released September 8, African bishops have called for unity in The United Methodist Church while condemning traditionalist advocacy groups looking to break up the denomination.

Addressing denominational tensions

Vine and tendrils

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard addresses denominational tensions by correcting misinformation that is spreading about the Michigan Conference’s disaffiliation process and what theology he believes will guide… Continue Reading Addressing denominational tensions

Bishops urge the relaunch of UMC

Council of Bishops leaders pass gavel

Even as a new denomination gets off the ground, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, now president of the Council of Bishops, urged United Methodists to celebrate a launch of their own.

Bishops appalled by WCA plan

Central Conference bishops concerned about vaccination

The Wesleyan Covenant Association’s (WCA) plan to assist some United Methodists, mostly in Africa, with getting COVID-19 vaccinations has been denounced by Central Conference bishops. 

United Methodists looking for home

United Methodists have options

The United Methodist Church. The Global Methodists Church. Those are two future home bases for every United Methodist. Online and in-person events are planned to help discuss and discern which… Continue Reading United Methodists looking for home

UMC’s future a hot topic

Future of UMC in question

As legislative proposals continue on hold, the future of The United Methodist Church has lately been the subject of statements and opinion pieces from across the globe.

Hold on closings and complaints

Thomas Bickerton

“We need to settle ourselves down and breathe and allow the breath of God to take us to this next stage,” said Bishop Thomas Bickerton, regarding complaints and church closings.

Scripture key in WCA discipline

WCA meets on future of church

The WCA has released a first draft of Doctrines and Discipline, toward the possible creation of a new, traditionalist church.

WCA anticipates new, traditionalist church

WCA meets on future of church

The Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) recently held its fourth global gathering, drawing about 1,000 to Asbury UMC in Tulsa, Oklahoma with another 2,000 watching by simulcast.

Splinter or schism ahead?

Woman praying at St. Louis General Conference.

Will the denomination act toward schism or splinter? The author says it’s still too soon to tell what might happen. He urges careful consideration of consequences.

The Michigan Conference