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A portrait of mission up north

Girls serve up north mission

Makes plans now to go north into the Upper Peninsula to answer the call to service. God’s Country Cooperative Parish can put your skills and faith to work.

Storms come and go, while UMCOR stays

Puerto Rican homeowner finds help in storms of life.

First in. Last out. As UMCOR and UMVIM begin response to Dorian, they continue to bring help and hope to those recovering from storms named Maria, Irma, Harvey, and Michael.

Summer UMVIM not just for kids!

UMVIM Jeanette Harris with lunch mates

The UMVIM placement may be Costa Rica or Detroit or a site near or far away. Jeanette Harris encourages persons of all ages to be in mission as ambassadors of… Continue Reading Summer UMVIM not just for kids!

Meet ‘new face’ of church in China

Man from Michigan and man from China.

An UMVIM team led by the Rev. David and Christy Newhouse, Sunnyside UMC,  finds Christian faith is alive in China. A team member from New Jersey, Deacon Thomas Lank, reports.

UMC steps up after earthquake

Three Alaska residents who sought refuge in a United Methodist Church after the recent earthquake.

St. John’s UMC in Anchorage, Alaska became a temporary shelter for 46 residents of Karluk Manor after the earthquake knocked out power and water to the facility.

In Christ’s service

The United Methodist Church offers many opportunities for short-term and long-term mission service.

Kuntz named new UMVIM Coordinator

North Central Jurisdiction’s UMVIM welcomes new coordinator, Tammy Kuntz of East Ohio.

The Michigan Conference