Tag: stewardship
Two free e-books from UMC Giving
Download two e-books that teach about giving within the context of God’s awesome abundance.
Financing the connection
A Task Force is looking at the apportionment giving that supports ministry across the denomination.
Kids and stewardship
One fun way to teach stewardship to kids is to turn allowance money into “Bible Bucks.
Doing mission fund raising well
Do you wish your church could do more to support mission? Here are 3 ways to enhance giving.
Conferences give 100%
A record number of Annual Conferences in the U.S. paid general apportionments in full for 2016.
Barrett Award honors generosity
Applications are now open for recognition with a Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award. Deadline is February 28.
Generosity Conference August 6-9, 2017
“Giving Freely” is the theme of a Generosity & Stewardship Conference at Lakeside Chautauqua in Ohio (about one hour and 20 minute from Detroit) this summer, August 6-9, 2017. Cultivating… Continue Reading Generosity Conference August 6-9, 2017
5 ideas to increase year-end giving
It’s December. People are motivated to give. These 5 practices could maximize giving at the end of the year.
Maximizing what we have
This “Perspective on Hope” considers the blessings that come from giving our best to God.
Doing more together
UMCgiving has assembled a toolkit full of resources aimed to encourage generous giving.