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Register for camp today

It’s not too late to register for outdoor fun at one of Michigan’s nine United Methodist camps.

Let children come

The 2017 Michigan Annual Conference engaged young disciples during Saturday worship.

Let it grow

In June’s edition of “A Joyful Journey,” Bishop David Bard reflects on church growth.

Turbo charge your VBS

You can no longer post VBS info on the church sign and expect people to come.

Spiritual drunkenness

June 4th is Pentecost. It’s a time to open ourselves to new spiritual encounters.

Giving her utmost

Its cover is gone, its margins are full of notations. But its words still fill this woman’s soul.

Bishop’s Lenten greeting

Start this 40-day Lenten Season with these words of inspiration from Bishop David Bard.

Keeping faith with cancer

In the midst of a health crisis, United Methodist pastor Jason Micheli shares about himself and his faith.

Women’s edition of Bible sheds light

An 80-member team provided commentary on new edition that emphasizes women and social issues in Scripture.

Get away and rest

If Jesus could find time for rest and time apart, shouldn’t his followers do the same? Erik Alsgaard answers in Interpreter Magazine.

The Michigan Conference