Tag: Society of St. Andrew
Food for body and soul

Enrich your Lenten journey this year by using a devotional published by the Society of St. Andrew or by participating in one of their ministries that feed and nourish our… Continue Reading Food for body and soul
Help share the Lord’s harvest

Leaving part of the harvest for God’s people dates back thousands of years. Today, the Society of St. Andrew continues that biblical practice.
UMMen in ‘a changing UMC’

UMMen continues to “welcome youth to scouting and men to discipleship,” says their leader Gil Hanke. The National Association of Conference Presidents recently met via Zoom.
Feeding the hungry brings joy

The Society of St. Andrew seeks the donation of the crops that would otherwise be headed for landfills as garbage. Volunteers are the engine of feeding the hungry.
United Methodist Men look beyond St. Louis

The Commission on United Methodist Men is looking ahead to ways to expand ministries to men, Scouting and other youth-serving agencies.
September is Hunger Action Month

50 million Americans are hungry. Join the Society of St. Andrew in taking action during National Hunger Action Month.