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After Paris

The climate change agreement signed in Paris by 195 countries December 12, is of longstanding importance to The United Methodist Church. and the General Board of Global Ministries.

UMs celebrate climate accord

LINDA BLOOM United Methodist News Service The river in central Liberia where Jefferson Knight used to play and fish as a child has completely dried up due to serious drought.

Earth advocates in Paris

LINDA BLOOM United Methodist News Service World leaders have gathered in Paris to broker an accord on climate change and representatives of the faith community are there to urge them to act.

Love wears a parachute

SUSAN KIM United Methodist Committee on Relief Housed in the educational annex of Wellspring Church in Ferguson, Missouri, the Center for Social Empowerment and Justice is bringing a new voice… Continue Reading Love wears a parachute

Songs of Advent

advent candles

“This is no time for happy little Christmas songs,” writes Lenora Rand, a creator of music, liturgy and visual art.

Spirit and the planet

As representatives from 195 nations gather in Paris to grapple with climate change, theologian Matthew Fox asserts, “Solutions must come from the Paris conference but they also must come from rapid… Continue Reading Spirit and the planet

Handling hot topics

Adam Hamilton has recently written a book, “Speaking Well: essential skills for speakers, leaders and preachers.”

African bishops speak out

HEATHER HAHNUnited Methodist News Service African bishops called on The United Methodist Church to confront global terrorism and hold the line on church teachings regarding human sexuality.

Pray for the persecuted

Picture of hands folded together, as if in prayer.

BILL MEFFORD General Bd of Church and Society I am not sure what I am more outraged by: Persecution of Christians or the silence of so many in the Church… Continue Reading Pray for the persecuted

Going beyond prayer

JOE IOVINO United Methodist News Service “Prayers of mercy and comfort for those in Roseburg, Oregon.” But is that all we can do after a mass shooting?

The Michigan Conference