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‘Start a love train’

Singing and dancing

At General Conference, Sherry Parker-Lewis witnessed an air of grace, anticipation, and hope as The United Methodist Church moved toward unity of purpose.

Are we sustaining members?

People holding small plants

Sherry Parker-Lewis explains that we give because we are held, carried, and supported by the One who saves. Our gifts are our embodied gratitude.

Assembling the dream finance team

Cash, calculator

Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis recommends creating a well-rounded “dream team” that brings together a variety of skills and gifts to steward your church’s finances.

Simple practices encourage generosity

Fruits of generosity

Resources from the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan help nurture a culture of generosity.

Blizzard, winter, or ice age?

Winter in Michigan

Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis describes the church’s response to COVID-19 through the lens of a book, “Leading Beyond the Blizzard.” We must seek a vision for a “post- ice age”… Continue Reading Blizzard, winter, or ice age?

Michigan Foundation hires coach

Giving to church

Fall is a time to focus on stewardship. And this fall is especially challenging. The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan has resources for local churches, including a new consultant, the… Continue Reading Michigan Foundation hires coach

Sherry Parker-Lewis

From: Heritage District — Brighton: First UMC.  To: United Methodist Foundation of Michigan. This full-time appointment is effective July 1, 2020.

The Michigan Conference