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God’s work reviving us

Campfire on a beach

Bishop David Alan Bard asks us to rally to the task set before us, making disciples of Jesus Christ so that lives — and the world — can be different.

Mighty wind and quiet stream

Stream in winter

Reflecting on the recent Asbury revival, Bishop David Alan Bard invites us this Lent to look for spiritual transformation in both dramatic experiences and everyday disciplines.

Christ’s love shared in the Philippines

Two filipino children at the revival

A four-person team from Michigan’s Central Bay District traveled to the Philippine islands, February 15-21, to share the Love of Jesus Christ. They were led by District Superintendent David Kim.

John Wesley’s best practices

A stained glass window of John Wesley. Photo by Ronny Perry, UMNS

John Wesley abandoned conventional modes of ministry and experimented with innovative approaches. So can we says this UM pastor.

The Michigan Conference