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Call to prayer for Ukraine

“I invite every United Methodist congregation in this conference to carry prayers for peace into the holy season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday on March 2,” says Bishop David… Continue Reading Call to prayer for Ukraine

Breathe, work, pray

George Floyd mural

After the conviction of Derek Chauvin on April 20, Bishop David Bard says, “There is much work to be done. Today we breathe a little easier as we witness justice.”

Personalize your Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday finds man at prayer

Finding the holy in the midst of our ordinary routines is important every day. It’s particularly significant on Ash Wednesday, February 17, the day that starts the Easter journey in… Continue Reading Personalize your Ash Wednesday

Ten ways to go deeper during Lent

Hands make cross for Lent

The followers of Jesus our now on that annual journey from Ash Wednesday toward Easter. Lent provides an opportunity to relate to God and others in new ways.

New prayer for the New Year

Praying at dawn

The posture of prayer is the subject of this reflection by Rev. Dave Barnhart, who suggests that praying is an activity that engages the whole body and spirit.

Michigan delegates keep Bible in view

View of 2020 Michigan delegates

The view of a General or Jurisdictional delegate focuses largely on politics of voting. But God’s Word informs these decisions.

The Michigan Conference