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When gratitude becomes a habit

Family eating Thanksgiving meal

In this season of gratitude, Rev. LuAnn Rourke shares wisdom on getting our minds and hearts centered in thanksgiving and praise.

Let’s make some Easter music!

Music enhances life

The Rev. Scott Harmon reflects on today’s church from an “intersection of music and faith.” He encourages United Methodists to keep praising the Lord.

Praise to God comes first

Man giving praise for new day

“Faith is something that precedes an answer to a battle or a crisis,” says the Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr. He calls us to praise our God, who is good even… Continue Reading Praise to God comes first

Conference ponders 'Why we sing'

John Wesley describes how we sing

Worship is always a highlight at any session of the annual conference. When the focus is on, “Singing the Lord’s Song, to sing, preach, and pray are especially vital, even… Continue Reading Conference ponders 'Why we sing'

COVID challenges musicians and choirs

Virtual choirs perform during pandemic

The pews are empty and choirs sidelined. But musicians have kept their worship communities alive even while they can’t gather.

The Michigan Conference