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NOMADS are doers of the word and the work

Woman using a drill

PART C – NATIONAL: NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations. Continue Reading NOMADS are doers of the word and the work

Doers of the Word and the work

RV driving through pretty mountains

NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations.

Summer’s coming. Let’s go camping!

Cora Glass joins camping staff at Lake Huron

Grants from the United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministries will enhance programming and accommodations for those camping at two United Methodist sites in Michigan.

RVs on the road for mission

RVs brought these roof-raisers to Lake Michigan

What do retired United Methodists do when they get bored? They take their RVs to a place and fix something. They call themselves NOMADS.

Have RV and love to volunteer?

RV traveling down the road in autumn.

You own an RV. What will you do with your retirement? You can commit to do the Jesus-thing with NOMADS. 

The Michigan Conference