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African bishops condemn advocacy groups

African bishops meet during a retreat.

In a statement released September 8, African bishops have called for unity in The United Methodist Church while condemning traditionalist advocacy groups looking to break up the denomination.

Addressing denominational tensions

Vine and tendrils

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard addresses denominational tensions by correcting misinformation that is spreading about the Michigan Conference’s disaffiliation process and what theology he believes will guide… Continue Reading Addressing denominational tensions

Is The United Methodist Church really…?

Is the UMC really...?

This first of a series offers accurate responses to misperceptions or misinformation that are circulating about The United Methodist Church. This article focuses specifically on theology, pensions, and benefits.

Pastor champions Cross over Q

Rev. Derek Kubilus offers Christ over Q

The Rev. Derek Kubilus, United Methodist pastor in Uniontown, OH, hosts the podcast, Cross Over Q, in an effort to debunk misinformation from QAnon.

The Michigan Conference