Tag: Michigan Area Design Team
A Nine District Plan

Bishop David Bard introduces the Design Team’s plan for re-districting the Michigan Area.
Get ready for AC action

Annual Conference is seven weeks away. Here’s what’s in store for members and visitors.
District Q & A ahead

District structure in The Michigan Area is changing. Design Team welcomes input.
Healthy disruption

In this month’s blog, Home Words Bound, Rev. Benton Heisler puts things in perspective.
Nine districts. Thoughts?

Listening sessions are scheduled for feedback on the nine-district proposal.
Listening Session Today in Lansing

Everyone has one more chance to weigh in on the One Conference proposal headed to Annual Conference.
Tune in to Design plan

Two Design Team Listening Sessions this week plus livestream offer opportunity for dialogue.
Design Team sheds light

In this month’s blog, “Home Words Bound,” Benton Heisler encourages us to keep moving with the light.
Design Team takes on challenging questions

The Michigan Area Design Team is preparing to release detailed plans about uniting Michigan’s conferences.