Tag: Love
Open-eyed and resilient

In a chaotic world, Bishop David Bard invites us to stay grounded in resilient love as we care for one another, even in disagreement.
Let’s be the change we want to see

Rev. Darryl Totty, superintendent of the Greater Detroit District, reflects on the message of love that Martin Luther King, Jr. embodied, which can also be ours today.
Love is hard work

As we approach Holy Week, Rev. Haley Hansen illuminates the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet and asks what it means for us to follow his example.
Learning and then loving rightly

Reflecting on Black History Month, Bishop David Bard encourages us to do our part in cultivating hearts and souls that love more deeply and intelligently.
‘I’ll be home for Christmas’

In part two of this true story, Cheryl Bistayi reflects on her brief encounter with Vincent and wonders if he ever made it home to Honduras.
A tribute to Vincent, mi amigo

Cheryl Bistayi shares how she learned valuable faith lessons from an unlikely friendship with a sojourner during Christmas. This is the first half of a two-part story.
Actions speak louder than words

One of the most important things we can do as Christians, says Rev. Marty Johnston, is to love others openheartedly by our actions.
Remembering our mothers

Retired pastor Sondra Willobee thinks back upon the women who have nurtured and mentored her, including her mother, a polio survivor, who taught her much about faith and life.
But Jesus’ love prevails

Throughout Lent, campus ministry leaders will provide devotions based on the Gospel lectionary scriptures. Jim Magee from Michigan State writes about the power of Jesus’ love to challenge perspectives and… Continue Reading But Jesus’ love prevails
Grounded in love

Members of a growing Michigan Conference Contemplative Cohort invite you to spend Fridays in Advent exploring a form of contemplative prayer. This week, Rev. Sari Brown explains how she’s found… Continue Reading Grounded in love