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Rediscover the power of praying together

Two women praying together

Register for Discipleship Ministries’ new Prayer Partner Project, which starts in September, and join other United Methodists returning to the basics of discipleship in prayer.

Finding a way out of the desert

Road through the desert

When experiencing a desert season, how do you move forward and find God’s presence and guidance? John Seppanen, Heritage District Lay Leader, shares some thoughts that have helped him out… Continue Reading Finding a way out of the desert

Recognizing God’s voice on the road to wellness

Lay leaders are key to local church ministry, encouraging all members of the body of Christ to listen for God’s voice and join other believers on the road to wellness.

Equipping laity to serve the church

Holding hands in prayer during Bible study.

The Lay Servant Ministries program, available in every Michigan district, has classes to encourage the development of lay leaders.

A call to United Methodist laity

Laity called to flower

The following is an open letter to laity from the Association of Annual Conference Lay Leaders (AACLLC). It is a reminder of Jesus’ Great Commandment during this troubled time.

Virtual Michigan AC gets the job done

Mark Doyal managing the Virtual action

The 2020 Virtual Michigan Annual Conference took place on screens across the state on July 26-28. Bishop David Bard presided from a studio in Lansing. The essential mission was accomplished.

Michigan thanks lay leaders

Lay Leaders at ordination

Conference leaders join in celebrating the faithful service of Anne Soles and John Wharton, who served together as Lay Leaders of The Michigan Conference since 2016.

The Michigan Conference