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‘Weaving the Future’ continues

Two conversations with Bishop David Bard are scheduled for this spring. Come speak and listen.

Way Forward update

Members of four international church leadership bodies offer thoughts about possible church futures.

Bishop invites Michigan UMs to film premier Feb. 11th

The one-hour Truth and Reconciling film will show at Southfield: Hope UMC.

Join the dialog with Bishop Bard

“Weaving our Future” is an opportunity to enter a global conversation in The United Methodist Church.

Conversation with Bishop Bard

Bishop David Bard invites Michigan United Methodists to conversations on human sexuality.

Way Forward at half time

Bishops Bruce Ough and Kenneth Carter answer questions about the Commission’s process in conference calls with communicators.

Bishop David in Holland next Monday

Weaving our future

The second of four conversations on human sexuality will be hosted October 2nd in Holland.

Busy serving the Master

Bishop Gregory Palmer says prayer and mission engagement can overcome fear.

A Way Forward?

In this month’s blog, Drinking the Cup, Rev. John Boley encourages dialogue on LGBTQ issues.

ACs take on immigration and sexuality

The UMC’s debate about LGBTQ people was on display, as was many conferences’ commitment to the sojourner.

The Michigan Conference