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Following Jesus

Rev. Benton Heisler thanks the one who set his feet on the path to Christian vocation.

Transition steps

Transitions … to a new Conference or to new life after a hurricane … can be managed with God’s help.

Think on these things

Lessons learned while a kid on a tractor come back to Rev. Benton Heisler as he reflects upon the Christian life.

The rest of the story

The gospel comes alive during an 1,800-mile road trip across six states.

God’s amazing power

When change happens–to a campground or to a conference–God can act in new ways.

2017 Annual Conference

In this month’s blog, Rev. Benton Heisler covers “the basics” of Annual Conference.

Witness of Faith

White lily on the book on the old wooden background

This month’s ‘Homewords Bound’ puts a focus on the ways grief gives way to joy.

Healthy disruption

In this month’s blog, Home Words Bound, Rev. Benton Heisler puts things in perspective.

Anticipate change with excitement

Having courage and hope in the midst of change is the subject of Rev. Benton Heisler’s January blog.

It’s time to be still

In the midst of storms–of winds and of words–Rev. Benton Heisler suggests it is time to slow down, stand back and listen for God.

The Michigan Conference