Tag: Generosity
What your mission dollars do
When people of faith give, we put ourselves and our money to work for God’s mission near and far.
Ministry with zero dollars
“There should be ample reason to spend the ‘widow’s mite,’” says professor Philip Nation.
Barrett Award applications are due
Applications for the Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award are due February 28.
Church sees record giving
If The United Methodist Church had a “Paid-in-Full” stamp, it would be getting good use around the world.
Connecting to do more
The global connection of The United Methodist Church helps inform and inspire generous giving.
Ask and get more
A deeper look into fundraising psychology and tips to help you move people to give generously.
The Little Drummer Boy
What’s your favorite carol? A woman recounts how she and her piano are like the little drummer boy.
Honoring our vows: gifts
People associate gifts with money but sharing spiritual gifts is also an important commitment.
Kids and stewardship
One fun way to teach stewardship to kids is to turn allowance money into “Bible Bucks.
Doing mission fund raising well
Do you wish your church could do more to support mission? Here are 3 ways to enhance giving.