Tag: General Board of Global Ministries
Call to prayer for Korea
Sunday, August 13, has been designated as a day of prayer for peace and reconciliation in Korea.
New creation care exec named
UMCOR has new coordinator for environmental stewardship and climate crisis advocacy.
Global Ministries dedicates Asia office
Being physically in Asia makes a statement, “we are actually here, not from afar,” says mission staffer.
US-2s lead God-focused lives
US-2 Kayla Flannery is now assigned for service at Motown Mission in Detroit.
Freedom grounded in love
The General Board of Global Ministries bases guidelines about freedom of religion in the New Testament.
From everywhere, to everywhere
New faces, new offices in a new city but the core mission of Global Ministries stays the same.
Promoting UMC Giving Tuesday
“Selfless Selfies” are just one way to promote The Advance for UMC #GivingTuesday, November 29, 2016.
God leads GBGM to Georgia
After 57 years in New York City’s Interfaith Center, the center of United Methodist mission moves south.
Growing in diversity and love
UM Global Ministries recently hosted a roundtable focused on greater inclusiveness of diverse people.
Kuntz named new UMVIM Coordinator
North Central Jurisdiction’s UMVIM welcomes new coordinator, Tammy Kuntz of East Ohio.