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Peace with Justice Offering

This Peace with Justice toolkit helps you support ministries of reconciliation.

Am I a missionary?

A Michigan deacon, the Rev. Greg Lawton, serves as an Associate Dean of Students in Lithuania.  

Plan proposals public

Judicial Council docket reveals first details of proposed legislation for resolving differences over ministry with LGBTQ people.

Stevensville supports school

Farai Rukunda, a member of Stevensville UMC is transforming lives in his former village in Zimbabwe.

Uncharted territory

The Rev. John Boley encourages The Michigan Conference to embrace the adventure of living in uncertain times.

Freedom for all

Remember Christ’s mission. A challenge, based on the gospel and a poem, on this Fourth of July, 2018. 

A Joyful Journey

At mid-year 2018, Bishop David Bard does some looking backward and looking forward.

The tone of ministry

In this Drinking the Cup, the Rev. John Boley reflects on clergy morale … it’s good.

ACs mixed on One Church Model

Some conferences endorsed the bishops’ recommendation and some supported a more traditionalist approach. 

Bishop on Way Forward

Bishop David Bard reflects on A Way Forward in June’s Joyful Journey blog.

The Michigan Conference