Tag: EngageMI
NOMADS are doers of the word and the work

PART C – NATIONAL: NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations. Continue Reading NOMADS are doers of the word and the work
Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

PART E–MISSION PERSONNEL: “Every encounter I have with another person, is an opportunity for Christ to work through me,” says Helen Roberts-Evans, former EngageMI ministry partner in Liberia, now retired. Continue Reading Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people
Doers of the Word and the work

NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations.
Chat with mission partners at AC

Enjoy dessert, games, and live music while talking to our EngageMI Ministry Partners at the Annual Conference Mission Festival, set for Thursday, May 30, from 7 to 9 pm.
Tornado recovery now underway in Portage, MI

PART B: After the Storm, the Michigan Conference’s long-term disaster recovery affiliate, needs your help as they aid neighbors impacted by recent tornadoes that have devastated our state. Continue Reading Tornado recovery now underway in Portage, MI
Michigan churches help settle refugees

STEP SIX: Two Michigan United Methodist churches utilized Mustard Seed Migration Grants to begin new ministries to refugee neighbors. October 1 is the deadline for the 2023 grant cycle. Continue Reading Michigan churches help settle refugees
Honoring our Native American heritage

STEP 3: Here are eight suggestions for congregations, individuals, and families to celebrate and undergird our indigenous communities. Continue Reading Honoring our Native American heritage
Samaritan Counseling seeks well-being for all

For Advocacy Day, the Michigan Conference is raising money for Samaritan Counseling Center, an EngageMI partner in ministry that provides mental health care for anyone in Metro Detroit.
Mission is a two-way street

United Methodist missionary Temba Nkomozepi recently sat down with Rev. Alex Plum to talk about the work at Mujila Falls in Zambia and how he views mission as bidirectional.
Make your giving count the most

On #GivingTuesday, November 28, focus on #BeUMC and give financially to mission and ministry projects supported by the Michigan Conference.