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EngageMI recognizes 42 local churches

UMCOR Flood Buckets

The Michigan Conference Board of Global Ministries expresses deep gratitude to 42 Michigan congregations that completed requirements for recognition as EngageMI Churches in 2020. Their giving met their neighbors’ needs.

EngageMI Challenge continues

Sturgis VIMS accept mission challenge

We are now entering the final week of the 3-week EngageMI Fundraising Challenge. There’s still time, before November 1, to give gifts that will change lives and build healthy community… Continue Reading EngageMI Challenge continues

Hamilton finds God in Lansing

Tom Arthur with Will Langford

Hamilton comes to Lansing for three weeks starting May 14. Sycamore Creek Church invites the community to explore faith themes in the musical and in the founding father’s life.

Book puts hearts at peace

The Way Forward

Delegations are reading “The Anatomy of Peace” to prepare for the 2019 General Conference. Here’s why. 

What churches can learn from Olympics

Like Olympians, churches can unite and inspire in the face of tough challenges. 

The Michigan Conference