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Conference mobilizes disaster teams

Disaster team

Get ready to join a team from Michigan that will aid the North Georgia Conference in its long-term recovery following the devastation of Hurricane Helene.

‘Because we allow God to use us’

Store damaged by a tornado

PART B: Michigan Projects — After The Storm, the Michigan Conference’s disaster recovery ministry, continues to walk with families in Kalamazoo County as they rebuild their lives months after a devastating tornado. Continue Reading ‘Because we allow God to use us’

‘Death does not have the final word’

People hugging

In this op-ed, Audra Hudson Stone and Jacob Stone ask us to listen to the cries we hear following natural disasters like the recent hurricanes and do our part to… Continue Reading ‘Death does not have the final word’

‘Because we allow God to use us’

Store damaged by a tornado

After The Storm, the Michigan Conference’s disaster recovery ministry, continues to walk with families in Kalamazoo County as they rebuild their lives months after a devastating tornado.

Early Response Team training set for June 10

Community hit by a tornado

Disasters strike suddenly. Prepare to serve neighbors in need by joining a volunteer-led Early Response Team. The next in-person training for Michigan United Methodists is June 10.

After the Storm poised for growth

Case manager talking to family after a disaster

With a new name and a new website, the Michigan Conference’s long-term disaster recovery nonprofit is better prepared to help Michigan rebuild one family at a time.

Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork

Cleaning up a basement flood

STEP SIX: United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the tie that binds this… Continue Reading Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork

Disaster relief requires teamwork

Cleaning up a basement flood

United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ here in Michigan and beyond.

Community resilient after tornado

Damage to the community

 Michigan United Methodists are encouraged to contribute to the Conference Disaster Response Fund as the community leaders in Gaylord assess property damage and recovery needs from the May 20 tornado.

Eyewitness to UMCOR Sunday’s value

UMCOR assists Detroit clean-up

Cheryl Tipton served as UMCOR case manager and district disaster response coordinator when Detroit suffered flooding over the past six years. UMCOR Sunday lays the foundation for relief and recovery.

The Michigan Conference