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New possibilities for Re-Launch

RE-launch offers new birth

Paul Nixon, of Discipleship Ministries’ Path 1, says now is the time for churches to discover fresh vitality. Gary Step will lead Zoom conversations that explain more.

The Great Commission goes online

A great Mother's Day at Scott Memorial UMC

The Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20, was spoken by Jesus hundreds of years before the internet came on the scene. But online media are proving to be effective tools for evangelism.

Dexter Deacon does ‘loaves and fishes’

Deacon Tom Snyder serves homeless

Tom Snyder, a Deacon at Dexter United Methodist Church, is serving as a bridge between resources and needs of the homeless in Ann Arbor. “I like DOING Christianity,” he says.

Liberia hit by COVID-19 and hunger

Liberia anti-COVID-19 training

Michigan’s covenant partners in Liberia have undertaken an Anti-COVID-19 campaign. Assistance is needed in their efforts to raise awareness, distribute supplies, and provide food.

Bishops celebrate connection

Council celebrates connection on Zoom.

120 bishops from around the globe held their first-ever virtual meeting. They celebrate new ways the church is in ministry during the pandemic.

Navajo Nation hit hard by COVID

Navajo Nation and COVID

The Navajo Nation ranks behind New York and New Jersey for per-capita cases. Native Americans across the U.S. are being fed and receiving care during the health crisis.

Virus threatens care with migrants

Migrants at risk during COVID

United Methodists continue to minister daily with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. The pandemic has ended face-to-face interaction with those living in camps.

Cass in ministry during pandemic

Taking temps at Cass Community Social Services

Cass Community Social Services has “been there” for the vulnerable residents of Detroit for decades. And the 2020 pandemic may have changed their ministry but it has not stopped it.

Executive order extended to May 15

Bishop extended no in-persons guidelines

As Governor Gretchen Whitmer extended her Executive, Bishop David Bard advises local churches to continue to refrain from in-person activities, including worship.

Tentative GC dates announced for 2021

Tentative dates for GC 2021 announced

The tentative dates for the next General Conference are August 31-September 10, 2021. Once official, other significant meetings will be also be fixed on the calendar.

The Michigan Conference