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Michigan joins the pursuit of Abundant Health

Group of people holding pinwheels

For the past eight years, The United Methodist Church has promoted and prioritized health and wholeness on a global scale. The Abundant Health Initiative of the General Board of Global… Continue Reading Michigan joins the pursuit of Abundant Health

Watch for EngageMI books and buttons

Motown Mission is a Ministry Partner in the EngageMI book

There are familiar projects and some new ministry partners in the EngageMI 2022-2023 books to be introduced at Annual Conference and mailed to churches soon.

EngageMI recognizes 42 local churches

UMCOR Flood Buckets

The Michigan Conference Board of Global Ministries expresses deep gratitude to 42 Michigan congregations that completed requirements for recognition as EngageMI Churches in 2020. Their giving met their neighbors’ needs.

Please stop fund-raising for Hot Lunch

Women and infant in Haiti

The Michigan Conference Haiti Covenant Partners and the Treasurer’s Office asks that church’s discontinue gifts to the Haiti Hot Lunch as the program no longer functions in Haiti.

Apply by March 11 for EngageMI

Children learning to read at United Methodist Community House in Grand Rapids

  EngageMI looks ahead to 2020 in ministry and mission. March 11 is the deadline for conference projects to apply for inclusion in the 2020 EngageMI guidebook.

EngageMI invites projects to apply

Children serve lunch at NOAH Project in downtown Detroit.

  EngageMI is looking ahead to the next year in ministry and mission. March 11 is the deadline for conference projects to apply for inclusion in the 2020 EngageMI guidebook.

How to do year-end mission reports

As 2018 draws to a close, churches are asked to send in their reports of mission giving using Spotlight Church and Six Lanes of the Advance forms.

The Michigan Conference