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The fire next time

Children at a Climate Vigil at the 2016 General Conference

Advent is a time to focus on how humans have failed in the God-given duty to care for God’s creation.

Earthkeepers bring joy to the world

Woman holding lantern resembling world globe

As headlines communicate prophetic pronouncements about the future of planet earth, United Methodists celebrate the season of Advent as a time for making peace with all creation.

‘Ridge to reef’ earth care

United Methodists in Liberia and elsewhere point to Paris climate accord and initiate healthy change.

Bishops decry pullout

United Methodist bishops and other Christian leaders object to Paris accord decision.

Climate-friendly investment

The United Methodist pension agency is planning for a low-carbon economy. For investors, the move makes good sense. 

Keep Making Peace Apr. 1, 2017

“Confronting Michigan’s Climate Change” is the focus of the15th annual Keep Making Peace event to be held at University UMC, East Lansing on Saturday, April 1. Bishop David Bard will share… Continue Reading Keep Making Peace Apr. 1, 2017

Mission u July & August, 2016

Climate justice,  human sexuality and Latin America are the UMW studies offered at Mission u 2016.

UMs celebrate climate accord

LINDA BLOOM United Methodist News Service The river in central Liberia where Jefferson Knight used to play and fish as a child has completely dried up due to serious drought.

The Michigan Conference