Tag: Cleaning Kits
Disaster relief updates, furnace needs in Detroit

Michigan disaster relief updates include a final report on the October cleaning kit rally and a call for financial assistance to replace flood-damaged furnaces in Detroit and for volunteers to… Continue Reading Disaster relief updates, furnace needs in Detroit
Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian

In response to disasters in the wake of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian, Michigan United Methodists are called to pray, donate cleaning kits (extended to Oct. 24), and give financially to… Continue Reading Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian
Conference coordinates cleaning kit rally

Recent disasters have led UMCOR to send out a national request for cleaning kits (flood buckets), and the Michigan Conference is responding by coordinating a rally from September 12 through… Continue Reading Conference coordinates cleaning kit rally
Disaster/VIM trainings, cleaning kit request announced

Two service-related announcements: Disaster and VIM trainings will occur on October 22 at Ludington UMC, and a national request for cleaning kits has been issued by UMCOR with more details… Continue Reading Disaster/VIM trainings, cleaning kit request announced
Clean-up continues in southeast Michigan

Federal, state, and church resources are being mustered to assist in the disaster relief phase after flood waters swept through Wayne and Washtenaw counties on June 26. You can help.
Called for mission service

Katie Peterson has been in service as a Church and Community Worker for 23 years, including a stint in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula at God’s Country Cooperative Parish.
‘Bucket season’ is coming on
A review of the 2017 Cleaning Kit response and a look ahead to the 2018 hurricane season.