Tag: Bishop Laurie Haller
Meet Bishop Laurie Haller

This podcast introduces one who is no stranger to Michigan United Methodists. Listen to Bishop Laurie Haller.
‘What is your hope level?’

Bishop Laurie Haller reports on a recent visit made by Bishop Judy Craig to the NCJ College of Bishops.
Circuit riders on wheels

Wayne Bank, Detroit Conference layman, joins Bishop Laurie Haller pedaling across Iowa.
Life, death and resurrection in Boston

“Simply put,” says Bishops Laurie Haller, “the marathon is a metaphor for the Christian life.”
What saves your life?

A Guest Blog by Bishop Laurie Haller describes things that help her cope with daily stress.
The sacred dance

As she says ‘Goodbye’ to Michigan, Bishop Laurie Haller celebrates the spirit of Aldersgate UMC in Grand Rapids.
Shaking the truth together

Birmingham 1st United Methodist Church and Dearborn’s Islamic House of Wisdom build bridges of truth and understanding.
NCJ video wrap-up

A five-minute video highlights elections, delegate perspectives and significant activities that took place at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference.
A bishop with a black eye

Rev. Jack Harnish blesses the newly elected bishops of The United Methodist Church and says, “I am so proud to be a United Methodist, from Coke to Haller.”