Tag: Annette Erbes
Members prepare for 2023 AC
The 2023 Michigan Annual Conference begins next week, and Michigan United Methodists will worship God, celebrate ministry, and do good work together.
The wonder of Christmas
There have been some bright spots of wonder in these months of pandemic. For Annette Erbes, those include “the unexpected gift of quality time with children.”
How lay equalization is fulfilled
How can a layperson attend Annual Conference as a voting member? There are two ways — election by a local church or selection by the district for Lay Equalization.
State of the Michigan Conference
On Friday, June 4, members of the 2021 Michigan Annual Conference heard reports about benefits, finances, strategic plans, lay empowerment, trustee matters, and camp operations.
‘More than JUST a lay person’
Derrick Scott, Executive Director of Campus to City Wesley Foundation, came from Florida to Michigan to talk about the lay person as a “gospel on the ground.”
The angle of thankfulness
Some trees on her walk through the neighborhood were a glory to behold. Colorful and straight. Then there was that slanted evergreen. Why was it growing at an angle?
Fresh recipes and resources for laity
Conference Lay Leader Annette Erbes finds home delivery meal kits and recipes offer important lessons for ministry during the time of pandemic.